Testimonials 2016
What do Brazilian key players think about ANUTEC BRAZIL? Read some statements here.
Ricardo Santim – ABPA
ANUTEC BRAZIL that we are attending today, represents another major event and the whole experience of Koelnmesse and its other fairs world wide, bringing to Brazil the experience that attracts many companies and generates technical exchange. We do not only have a fair for presenting products but also a show that promotes discussions. How important is it to our sectors? From these discussions arise growth and development, not only technological but also intellectual. People discuss, meet, seek new opportunities and exchange experiences. This exchange of experience together with high quality products makes the industry as a whole grow further, helping Brazil maintain its world leading role in food production and protein.
Marco Antonio Magolbo – Handtmann do Brasil
Regarding the presence of companies, I can say that the top 20 of the sector came together looking for a solution, a fair which offers best services, a fair with a better position for #ors and especially for visitors. And we from Handtmann, we were at the first edition in 2014 and we want to make history with this event. So it is of great importance, we invested a lot, brought equipment and we meet clients from all over Brazil. We are doing good business; yesterday was already a very good day at the fair.
Edson Bittencourt – Bettcher do Brasil
The reason of taking part at a fair of this size is the great showcase it offers for our customers. All important companies that are here attract visitors to whom we can show our latest technologies and machines. And we can present them what we can do for them in terms of improvement and profitability. We together create a high-level event where our customers can come and visit everyone at the same time. So we are very satisfied to see that this show is getting stronger and more present.
Michael Teschner – Multivac do Brasil
This fair is very important! We are here in Curitiba, the birthplace of the meat industry, an accessible city with a good infrastructure. We have a strong partnership and Koelnmesse provides an organized fair and the results are high potential customers. So the quality and the results for us are very good.”
Paulo Thomaz – Bemis do Brasil
It is a fair where we can meet friends, customers, and we can demonstrate some of the technologies we have been developing in our innovation center in the USA. So for us it’s a great opportunity to bring together customers, display products and catch up. We have a very strong relationship with our customers and we always try to strengthen this relationship.
Alexandre Martins – Fraunhofer Institute
As an institution that has been working for more than 40 years with the whole food chain, also with packaging and quality control of food, it is extremely important for Fraunhofer Institute to bring a little of the work we develop in Germany to this fair and also to show the cooperation we have with Brazil.
Fernando Sampaio – ABIEC
Brazil won a leading position in the international business of beef and we are now seeking for competitiveness. Our industry has always been tough and we are working with the ministry of agriculture to innovate the industry and it is important that these innovations are presented to the Brazilian public, to the people of the industry. We are always looking for greater efficiency in the industrial process, for new products. All of this is going to help Brazil maintain this leadership.”
Gustavo Labella – CSB-System
CSB-System is a technology company for the food industry and we already have 40 years of experience in the sector. This knowhow, this experience is important for the visitors of ANUTEC BRAZIL. We are here today, it is our second edition and we are very happy with the quality of visitors and that we as CSB-System can present them our solutions.
Rodney Egon Kaiser – Poly-Clip System
We are satisfied with the fair! We are on the second day now and we have a very select audience; visitors with purpose that are here to address their best interests. For us, the #ors, this is of high relevance.”